Summer 22 Editorial by Betsy
What a sizzling, dizzying summer that was! The hottest I’ve ever experienced in Europe with temperatures reaching 42C in Madrid, a bit lower in neighbouring Lisbon and thank God for a ‘mild’ 27C in London for the wedding of niece Frances Ledesma to an English Irish gentleman David Johnson. The fairy-tale like nuptials are for the record and wish them a lifetime of commitment over shared values, laughter, and fun with Fin.
An equally compelling read is Rawmags Young Mover Sebastian Eviota’s entry into the world’s smallest army – the Swiss Guards based at the Vatican. He just made history by being the first full-bloodied Filipino in this 516-year-old military unit that has been protecting the pope and Catholic church in Rome over the centuries.
Victor Cantal looks to me an intriguing resident artist at the Hague. Check out his array of Philippine-inspired art at https://onlinegallery.art/en/victor-cantal/ . Part of Victor's Art for a Cause proceeds sends Palawan and Negros Occ. students to technical/vocational schools and eventually land good jobs.
Turn the pages to more fascinating stories - Are there Filipinos in Serbia? by Daniel Ramonal; Meet the Overseas Fabulous Pinay Chef by Donna Küntzler or visit the on-going exhibit in Vienna KUBŌ22 - Kultur Bayanihan Ōsterreich 2022. Myla Arceno & co-authors of 100 Miracles of our Blessed Mother launched this historic centenary book in Stevenage, UK while in Manila, Rawmags Social Entrepreneurship Lead Becky Torres & Marizel Arambulo finally Met up with Rachel Hansen.
If you’re in the area, look up Edson Gonzales, a microblading artist in Amsterdam and Bryan Andrew Fallar’s Gentlemen’s Grooming Barbershop in Vienna. Rawmags supports business entrepreneurs like Edson and Bryan. Got business you want to floruish? Connect with any of our team or email me at rawmags.betsy@gmail.com
Highlights of this issue are summer Philippine destination picks and MINDORO is clearly it! Be amazed at Gloria Hernandez’s Mine of Gold, the unexplored paradise, and Charlene Catapang’s MAHAL TANA Mindoro with spectacular photos courtesy of the Oriental Mindoro Provincial Tourism Office.
I need to stop writing now! Click the e-mag pages that interest you here https://www.rawmags.com/ or email me for questions at rawmags.betsy@gmail.com .
Enjoy Rawmags' splendid summer stories!
Your Betsy, editor in chief
from stunning Switzerland