The European market is full of great unlimited, untapped potential for Filipino products, services and talents. Roots&Wings is an excellent platform to market and make known all of the above.
Roots&Wings has been created to fulfill a need to connect, to act as a bridge. It is dedicated to the hundreds of thousands of Filipinos living in Europe. It aspires to pay tribute, celebrate, inspire, raise awareness and appreciation of Filipino Culture, People and Places, not only amongst the Filipino communities but also to their extended families, friends, colleagues and the European community at large.
The people behind Root&Wings are mostly Filipino-Europeans, coming from various parts of Europe, all working on voluntary basis. Together, we speak at least 10 European languages fluently. Among our staff members, you will find young students pursuing master or doctoral degrees, professionals in the fields of music,arts, languages, economics, IT and full-time charity
workers, too.